Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Presenter PechaKuchaNight Volume #4

Presenter Pecha Kucha Night Semarang vol #4 sampai saat ini adalah...:

1. Purna - Hysteria community
2. Ari - 12pm community
3. Bagus - Kartu tarot Community
4. Agnes - Cafe Cushion
5. Innu - Film Indie
6. Ming Light - Pre Wedding and Wedding Photography
7. Yoga - Kopi Miring Coffe Shop
8. Ofi - All in one Community
9. Mas Tunggal - Komunitas Sepeda Lipat Semarang
10. Rully Prasetyono - Milanisti Indonesia Sezione Semarang
11. Siswo Abadi - Semarang United

So interesting? So be there, 26 feb 2011, Deoholic coffee shop, begin 19.00...

Leo Okta

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