Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

PechaKuchaNight Semarang #5

Dear PKN Semarang Family,
you are all invited to our 5th Pecha Kucha Night in Semarang
it will be on Saturday, July 16, 2011
19:00 - 23:30
@Deoholic Coffee Shop,
Jl. Pleburan Barat 38A, Semarang

Free HTM

Mark your calendar!

Confirmed speakers so far:

1. MACI Semarang - Kenyot

2. Komunitas Koes Plus Semarang - Nasir

3. Kolektor Paper Cut "Tank" - Ivan Sidharta

4. Komunitas Sepeda Onthel - Wira

5. Bismania Semarang - Harry

6. Keris dan tombak - Rahmad Wijoyondaru

7. Modul Logo - Sisilia Dewayani

8. Kolektor Miniatur Lokomotif - Pandu

9. Boomerang Mania - Haryo

10. Semarang Retrocar - Tyo

11. Komunitas Lini Kreatif - Wiwin

12. Komunitas Vespa - Joko

13. Etc.

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